PTFA and community links
The Parent, Teacher and Friends Association is a registered charity which organises events throughout the year to raise money for the school. Money is spent in a wide variety of ways to improve the education of children at Allington School. The PTFA is not just a fund-raising body, it also brings parents, teachers and pupils together in social events.
All parents with children attending the school are automatically members of the association and no membership fee is charged.
Community links
The Lions Club of Maidstone have sponsored 130 High Viz vests for our children to wear when they are out and about on school trips- thank you for providing us with a resource that will make it so much easier to keep a close eye on the children!
Our library is now established with the help of many contributors. We would like to say a huge thank you to the team at Future Generations who made a generous contribution to the purchase of new books as well as a green token collection from Waitrose . Aviva were also a key contributor to our library fund.
Some of the wonderful photographs of our website have been kindly provided by
We welcome volunteers and recognise what a valuable resource they are, alongside the work of Teachers and Teaching Assistants. If you wish to volunteer, please read the below guidance and then contact the school office.
St Nicholas Church
We are lucky to have St Nicholas Church in our school family. They provide a place for our carol concert and we support their food bank. This year, we were lucky enough to be part of Journey to Bethlehem, an amazing way to bring the Christian Christmas story to life.