Orchard academy trust
Allington Primary School is a member of the Orchard Academy Trust, along with Barming Primary School.
We are proud of our collaborative working ethos while also maintaining our individual identities as community schools.
Chair of the Trust:
- Dr Nigel Smetham (Co chair 1)
- Anne Mailing (Co chair 2)
Charity Members' names
Michel Costello
Rachel Gordon
Julia Hayes
Nigel Smetham
Charity Trustees' names
Nigel Smetham (Co-Chair 1)
Anne Mailing (Co-Chair 2)
Lynn Salter (Vice Co-Chair 1)
Ben Stepney (Vice Co-Chair 2)
Gavin Collins
Ashley Crittenden
David Johnson
Chris Knight
Lucy Shimmin
Please follow the link to Orchard Academy Trust website for financial information and further information.